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单词delirium详解(GRE单词limp delirium)

2025-01-12 16:07:45|网友 |来源:互联网整理








单词delirium详解(GRE单词limp delirium)-第1张图片-拓城游

GRE单词limp delirium

单词delirium详解(GRE单词limp delirium)-第2张图片-拓城游

limp英 /lɪmp/ 美 /lɪmp/ adj. 柔软的,无力的;软弱的 vi. 跛行,一拐一拐地走;缓慢费力地前进 n. 跛行

考点1:adj.柔软的,松散的: lacking firm texture, substance, or structure

e.g.Her hair hung limp about her shoulders.她的头发软沓沓地垂在肩上

: droopy, flaccid, floppy, lank, yielding

: firm, stiff, sturdy, tense 坚硬的;resilient 有弹性的

考点2:adj.软弱的,、没有精神的: lacking strength or firmness; weak or spiritless

e.g.The team&39;s resignation. 队伍不给力的表现让许多人呼吁教练下课

: enervated, lackadaisical, languid, languishing, languorous, spiritless

: ambitious, enterprising有雄心壮志的;animated, energetic, motivated 精力充沛的,有积极性的

考点3:vi.跛行,艰难地行走: to move or proceed haltingly or unsteadily

e.g.The project limped along with half its previous funding. 项目靠着之前一半的资金艰难隹地进展

: blunder, bumble, lumber, plod, struggle, stumble, trudge

misdemeanor英 /ˌmɪsdɪˈmiːnə(r)/ 美 /ˌmɪsdɪˈmiːnər/ n. 轻罪;品行不端

考点1:n.轻罪: a crime less serious than a felony

e.g.charged with several misdemeanors被指控几项轻罪

: infraction, infringement, offense, peccadillo, violation

: felony 重罪

squat英 /skwɒt/ 美 /skwɑːt/ v. 蹲坐;蹲举;擅自占用;霸占 n. 蹲坐;被非法占用的建筑物;蹲举训练;(体操)下蹲动作;非法占用空房;几乎没有;任何东西 adj. 矮胖的;矮而宽的

考点1:adj.又矮又胖的: being compact and broad in build and often short in stature

e.g.a squat but adroit craftsman一个又胖又矮,但是手艺灵巧的工匠

: chunky, dumpy, heavyset, squatty, stocky, stout, stubby, stumpy, thickset

: gangling, lanky 痩高的

delirium英 /dɪˈlɪriəm; dɪˈlɪəriəm/ 美 /dɪˈlɪriəm/ n. 精神错乱;发狂,狂热;说谵语状态

考点1:n.精神错乱: an acute mental disturbance characterized by confused thinking and disrupted attention usually accompanied by disordered speech and hallucinations

e.g.shoppers running around in a delirium the day before Christmas 购物者在圣诞节前夕疯狂扫货

: agitation, distraction, hysteria, rage, rampage, uproar

withdraw英 /wɪðˈdrɔː; wɪθˈdrɔː/ 美 /wɪðˈdrɔː; wɪθˈdrɔː/ vt. 撤退;收回;撤消;(从银行)取钱,提款;退股 vi. 撤退;离开

考点1:vi.撤退: to take back or away

e.g.The army was forced to withdraw from the frontline. 部队被迫从前线撤回

: recede, retreat, fall back

: advance前进;place, position, put放置,安置

: withdrawal n.撤退;withdrawn adj.性格内向的,离群的

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