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白领是什么意思 (用英语学英语口语:“白领”white collar,“蓝领”blue collar的区别)

2024-02-25 08:36:34|网友 |来源:互联网整理

white collar是什么意思


白领是什么意思 (用英语学英语口语:“白领”white collar,“蓝领”blue collar的区别)-第1张图片-拓城游

用英语学英语口语:“白领”“蓝领”white/blue collar区别


用英语学英语口语:“白领”white collar,“蓝领”blue collar的区别

白领是什么意思 (用英语学英语口语:“白领”white collar,“蓝领”blue collar的区别)-第2张图片-拓城游


A white collar (worker)即“白领”(工人)。

A blue collar (worker)即“蓝领”(工人)。

例句:He is a white collar/a blue collar.





What is a white collar ,or a blue collar?


1) What is a white collar?

Well,white collars(衣领) are called white collars because when they work,they always wear a white collar shirt with a tie, or in a suit.That is,they usually dress very formally.

And they usually work in an office and behind a desk,like a secretary, a manager, an accountant


Okay.a white collar always wears a white collar shirt when he or she works.

Okay.a white collar wears a tie, wear a suit.They usually dress very formally.

Okay,a white collar works in an office and behind a desk.

Okay,a secretary is a white collar, a manager is a white collar, an accountant is a white collar.

用英语表达英语white collar,是不是出现了许多有用,你刚开始没有想到,但可能已经学过的英语表达?

白领是什么意思 (用英语学英语口语:“白领”white collar,“蓝领”blue collar的区别)-第3张图片-拓城游

2) What is a blue collar?

Well,blue collars are called blue collars because when they work,they always wear blue jeans with a blue collar. When they work,they usually get their hands dirty, that is,they do manual work.

If someone fixes cars, repairs machines, or some jobs like these, we call them blue collars.

你看,同样是用英语表达英语,我们获得了表达blue collar必须用到的wear blue jeabs, get their hands dirty,也就是do manual work(体力工)等实用英语。


白领是什么意思 (用英语学英语口语:“白领”white collar,“蓝领”blue collar的区别)-第4张图片-拓城游

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